The event will be held at a private home and is not open to the public.
Giffords, 42, sharing a Facebook post from her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, after the Dec. 14 school shootings, said that the time was now to begin a national dialogue on strengthening gun control. This week, she and Kelly met with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a staunch gun-control proponent, on the issue.
"As we mourn, we must sound a call for our leaders to stand up and do what is right," Kelly said.
"This time our response must consist of more than regret, sorrow, and condolence The children of Sandy Hook Elementary School and all victims of gun violence deserve leaders who have the courage to participate in a meaningful discussion about our gun laws – and how they can be reformed and better enforced to prevent gun violence and death in America. This can no longer wait."
Giffords left Congress in 2012 to focus on her recovery from a gunshot wound to the head. Jared Loughner, who killed six people during a shooting spree and wounded 15 others, was sentenced to life in prison last November.

Children from Sandy Hook Elementary School on their school bus, Jan. 3, 2013
Shannon Stapleton / Reuters / Landov
Gabby Giffords to Meet Privately with Sandy Hook Families
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Gabby Giffords to Meet Privately with Sandy Hook Families